Update 1.9.9 is here!

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A bit of an overload at first, but its exciting!  Seems Ace first. Trouble socializing properly is my life!...  Evil spam! Go away!  Can't argue with good manners!

WOAH!  Are you sure that was karaoke!?! o.o I got chills!  The passion and the tone! Wow!

After that next one I... I seriously can't stop crying.  Its amazing there are so many songs out there I don't know about that are so deeply touching.  I mean I do get emotional at times, but this is something else!  *sniffle* nothing is better than that honesty that comes from the core.

Making me want to curl up into a ball with this third one.  Despite any appearances I give, I do not have much self worth, I just don't really pay attention to it.  I'm not capable of doing THAT to myself either.  Still makes wonder why I am still here.  I am logical, but i can't help but feel too.

If only everyone could be pleasant and more relaxed like this KitBur. <3  Jokes! X3  The pronoun stuff can be confusing, just don't expect people to grasp it when they not been raised on it, and don't go crazy with it either.  That sounds like an interesting sports blend.  Conventions are nice, but mind your manners!  I no like bugs either!  Expect for a few perhaps!  I could go for some seconds... BOING! X/3

Oh that neat! And I see what you did there! X3  Oh that was cute!

Big guy coming through! XD  Better than an airplane!  Heh I'd like to see it too!  Is it Murr or Burr? X3  Express! HUFF!  FEWD!  Another confusion part for me here, but lets not get into that.  If only more of them were fair, that confusion can go both ways, can't lie.  Damn this guy looks good too!  So many options!  Adorable! Though not one for extra limbs *shrug*  Hehehe murr! Its nice to be supportive and helpful.  Murr...

Hehehe!  Big boys! X/3  Damn hotels and those sensor things! x.x  Eye candy!  Buffets! Wish I could eat more!  Nice for places to have such options, but it clashes with the reasons you give them a tip...  Lovely! <3  Small World eh? X3  Oh yeah that some overhang!  Its a delight when the staff have a sense of humor!  Lol...  A lot of my thoughts exactly, it one thing to want to make changes to yourself, but need to be aware of the risks and how to mange them, need to have some balance.  LOL!  Something about being wedged like that... not a fan of super loud thigs either, dial it back a little!  Hrm... competition did seem a bit interesting, but i think it more because of whom I seeing it through.

Ah reminds me of meeting a few Fuzzbutts, not knowing them much personally.  Hehehe BOING!  Ugg... here might the foremost example of the culmination of several things that exist today that didn't used to, making things more confusing...  All these mixed messages being tossed around about so many things...

*sigh* When you think you know someone...  Hrm... track for C sounds like hint of bad boy with cool, but more relaxed.  OH BOY ROFL, that was some good timing!  Yeah want someone who will treat you like a person, not some object.  Lol!  Eee! Not one for forwardness but it was restrained just right! :/3    From the heart is BEST!  Letting go can be so hard...  Surprises are nice yes, yet that secrets is what causes them to fall apart a lot...  Darn... and NICE!  Forwards, but suave!  Damn I want some of that too! o/../o  Oh that belly!  Aww!  Hey that MY joke! XD  Not all surprises are welcome... What did HE do for this happen?  I can understand not wanting to always go with tradition.

... WHO THE F comes up with this random S?  Bored people I swear!...  Nothing better than having friends, but its ideal to maintain contact.  Rarr!  Languages on their own is tricky enough, but when you start messing with them internally, things are going to get messed up.  Fat is fine so long as you got muscle to handle it, its similar with any other sort o cosmetic changes.  Nnnggg murr!  Course I'd love to know!  Please sate my curiosity!  Sounds neat but stressful!  Teamwork first, no I in team, all are important!  Now that is strange...  Being a leader or organizer is hard, even more when you are trying to accommodate people of varying tastes or interests, but hat when you take a more well rounded approach, even if not perfect.  OH! I can feel her pain for sure!  That is frustrating to have something like that happen!  Aww... but beef!  Harsh but you did neglect getting to know him properly.

HUGS! <3  Belleh!  Fine to want to be called something different, but can't expect those used to calling you a certain way to go with the change.

Mmm... makes a lot of sense, but for now I think I've said enough, the tease is who is it I will pick first? Not telling! Not yet anyway!

This has been quite fun and enjoyable!  I myself may not do half of these things, but I'd say its all a question of comfort, interests, and circumstances.  I love how this VN aims to connect by being realistic and not based on reality.  It presents more an ideal we should all be aiming for as people, regardless of our differences.  It isn't about anyone person over any others and no makes things be all about them or their own issues.  Supportive, kind, and encouraging, even in the face of others not getting it.  Dealing with and addressing negatives instead of discarding them, yielding a more positive result.  Friends help each other also from being their own worst enemy.  That is what I see here.