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I swear my mental state diminishes with every update (the need for more is turning me crazy)

Deleted 48 days ago

would love that lol

Deleted 48 days ago
Deleted 48 days ago
Deleted 48 days ago

Haven't finished up Damien's route but loving it so far, amazing writing!

Glad ya like! <3

are any of the stories Zobbe writes actually real? if so what are they called?


Nice question! "The Job, The Boss, and Other Things" is a story I once wrote (20 yrs ago) but deleted. It is named after the song "The Rain, The Park, and Other Things"

However, Rawr's Feast is based on Garr's Feast, which I did indeed write: Garr's Feast by Teh -- Fur Affinity [dot] net


"Fish are a sometimes food... let me in, let me in"?


That's right! i dunno what i was thinking, prolly max silly mode

I really loved the new update...and even more so because of the story of Daz and Zobbe...I already want more nwn to come out haha <3


I'm really glad to hear! <3 Thanks!

Do you have any plans on adding a checklist type of menu so we can see which paths we've taken? and also will you be adding some kind of character/love interest marker on the save menu? just to differentiate the save files

I can look into all that, sure! I thought about that for the increased save file slots (which I forgot to announce, my bad!)
Not sure if it'll make it to next month but I def plan on it. Thanks!

I would recommended this visual novel and I noticed one of the love interest looked like a Pokemon so I wanted to show someone what that Pokemon was oh and it crashed a little when I tried searching for that item with the game still open


i think this project is cool but i just dont think having like 30 unqiue routes is very feasable, especially for such a small team. you should focus on like finishing one-two routes for each main character first. and then anything after that can maybe be a stretch goal/a future update. otherwise you wont have a finished product in over a decade. Not even vns made by big companies have this many routes. I just dont think its a very good idea in the long run, working on something for that long aint good for one's mental health. best regards.


Hi ApricotSalsa! Thank you very much for taking the time to comment and letting us know your thoughts. You make a great observation; SoH is indeed a very ambitious project and the creator has put in a great deal of thought into each unique character route and the intricacies of their relationships and interactions with all other characters. Your concern and suggestions are very welcome, friend. The creator is in the process of taking steps to lower the workload and expectations for this project to allow themselves the space they need to keep their mental health in check.


The update is just a few days away and I'm looking forward to it.

But I want to know one thing, is it possible to get that scene where Daz, Morton and Brock are?

Hello!  Right now, it is just a screenshot of deleted code made for promo, so no. However, in the future when it's logical, I'll def be making it possible for them all to meet up. <3

I can’t seem to open the application?

Is it possible to unlock all of the pictures in the gallery? I only have morton, brock, daz and zobbe, if anyone knows how to get more would love to know.

(1 edit)

Yeah. The other four are unlocked specifically by playing as Ace and getting to more or less the end of the run with each partner picked at the beginning of the game. So you'd need to do four quick runs with Gideon, Jagger, Brock, and Zobbe all separately.

Thank  you btw, Giggledog. <3 Thank you very much!!

No problem! <3 Happy to support!

I tried Gideon and Jagger but I still didn't get anything. Do I need to do anything specific?


The four pics you are referring to are only for having Ace as the main character. Pairing other characters will not get you these pics yet.
You have to play as Ace, like we said. <3 You would have to do a run, as Ace, picking all 4 different friends night 1, and then get to the night the scene in question occurs.

There will be different combos of chars and methods in the future, but right now, only Ace as a main character has access to these.

I am so sorry about the confusion—in addition to what we said, you also have to pick the tiger or the crocodile on Feb 14's decision. Otherwise, Ace's route will temporarily end (until future content is created)

The 14th decision is separate from your friend night 1. That should solve that now! My apologies. All 4 scenes are definitely possible tho, just play as Ace, pick different friends night 1, and pick either tiger or croc Feb 14 to unlock the different scenes w friends.

Hello! What Giggledog said below. Everything that is visible, blurred or not, is possible to get. Ace needs to be pick, at the start of night 1, Damian, Gideon, Jagger, and Zobbe separately.

In the future, there will be multiple ways to unlock these.

How do I unlock that Brock pic in Gallery?

Hello!  I copied from the FAQ:

"Play as Damian and think about his body Saturday evening at the convention.  No one else can see this scene art yet because Damian 'works faster' than other characters, and Zobbe already has enough benefits for the time being.  A dream with Brock for Zobbe and Jagger will be implemented in the future for more flexibility."

So, you'll have to play as Damian, but once you have it, it will count for all characters.

Deleted 214 days ago

Hey there! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and for sharing your thoughts with us! I am happy to hear that the hard work of the creator does not go unnoticed - there is really a ton of minute details that can be gleaned from the way the characters interact with each other.

The story definitely does take time in setting things up for you to know the characters, though as the story progresses a future update (aiming for May 2024) will allow you to use Chapter Select to move ahead to the parts you'd like to experience. Please feel free to check back in with us around then!


Hello! I'm normally shy but built enough courage to make an account and say how much I'm enjoying this game. Thank you so much for making this game because it's my first visual novel I've ever played (I've always been interested in them but could never find one that I'd think I'd enjoyed). Currently aiming to get through each possible route with every character!

P.S. Will we get to stuff Evan and Axel later on, possibly making their bellies big in the process (in Evan's case, bigger than it can currently get)? Again, thank you!


Hello, I can be shy too, so I understand! I'm glad you're enjoying the game and that you like Evan and Axel as well (I certainly like them!)
Love the dedication.

As far as them getting bigger than they already are, I cannot give an answer now.  All the art is drawn and while I do not want to make any promises, if the game is popular enough down the line, there may be polls on Patreon to have additional fat edits of more characters.

So for now, a maybe. The thought of Axel getting bigger does make me happy though!


Ok, that's fine! Thank you for replying and I really hope the game keeps going. :)


Hellooo!!!! just wanted to ask if any more updates will be coming out soon! i can wait to see more of what happens to Zobbe! (best character ngl)


Hello and thanks! Yes, Zobbe is definitely the most popular character, and I can see him getting monthly updates for quite some time. All public updates are on the last day of the month in American time, around the evening in EST (possibly sooner in the day depending how things go) Glad you love Zobbe as much as I do. ^^


heyo, are you guys interested in constructive criticism? i've got a lot of my thoughts on the game written out (overall i'm glad that it exists), but i'd rather not harass an independent creator for no reason if they don't want to hear it, lol

Hey there! Absolutely, please let us hear your thoughts on the game. Would you be alright to send them to me directly? You can even drop me an email, happy to relay to the creator on your behalf :)

yeah, for sure, not super sure how to work this site so I'm not sure how to send them to you outside of an email. sorry this took so long, i thought this site would notify me when i got a reply, but it didn't, lol

Haha that's fine - I also didn't know you responded until I checked just now! Drop me an email at, or DM me on X at @wolferssa. Any is fine =3

So far I have loved Zoobe and Daz's route and it is very possibly my favorite but I found some errors, I don't know if it would be okay to put them here but these are them.

on day 16 Zoobe does not appear when she is with Daz

Also Zoobe on the 19th after knowing that he is not cursed, his arms appear cut off.

You may post them here. Thank you, I will fix.


ughh I love Zobbes route so far, its so good!


im loving zoobes route so far

I finished Damien's current days and I can say that will it was short I can't wait to see more of his story unfolds as you play as him and while I only played him at the moment, I do want to see more of what's in store for the energetic, mind wondering, hopeless romantic and see how it pans out when it's his time to step into the spotlight and his journey of finding out if his mister perfect was met from when his story starts or if he had met him already.

Will probably check out Ace's story when I start my next playthrough as I wait for Damien's

glad you like Damian and thanks for the comment!

Ok, i've read Ace and Jagger parts, and i have to say it's being amazing exploring this universe so far. I am loving the charactes the music the vibes... everything.

kinda scared about the saves, since last update bricked them and it was like the first update, but besides that, it's being an amazing journey so far!

I will be back when I finish everyone else's route (well, I know there are a few possible combinations, but I only plan to do one pairing for each protagonist + whoever is also datable by this pick [i absolutelyhave no idea how exacly the datable choices are created] so it will be a LOT of saves to worry about), but I am sure that I will love it. 

see ya.

[some small spoilers below]











Ok, I have to say, I completly understand Ace missing his skill, I'm also someone who cant mantain eye contact to save my life.


Glad  you are loving the game! No worries about the saves—I have noticed the issue and made a post about it yesterday. I have already solved it and have added a chapter select so either way everyone will be fine. I apologize about that, I should have experimented with saves!

I'm Back, oh boy, that did take a little while , but I was enjoying every second.

And I finalized everyone's routes (so far, and the matches that I choosed pretty much at random) and by the stars, how I loved it. 

My precious Jagger needs so much more hugs, definitely. 

Zobbe is such a adorable dog (and I have to say, I got a new kink unlocked after Zobbe/Morton)

Gideon is way more cute that he gives himself credit for, really excited to see what happens next in his viewpoint. 

Damian is also one that i'm waiting for. But so far, I also love his route. 

I am super excited to see what everyone's suggestions to Evan will be... and how things will play out later. 

but so far, I have to say it's been an incredible begging , and I will be here to see everything .

BTW, if I can make a suggestion: could you make the saves a little easier(r) to organize? like being able to select more number from the navigation bar would be nice (since you can acess more than the 9 save spaces, geetting to those higher numbers may save a little time).

Hello thanks for your kind words!
As far as saves, I will look into it, I'm sure there's some magic I can do. I was unaware that there were even more than 9 pages of saves, so this is good info! Thanks!

I'm loving it, although I haven't been able to finish any route I would like to know which character or partner is the one who gains weight, I know it will be a big spoiler but I'm still intrigued by who they will be and I would like to achieve it on my current route 


You can find the answer by going there (I made sure it's public but it is not spoiled here directly)

Glad you love the game! Also that is planned for April and after just so you know.

When you start implementing that into the game and story, are you planning on updating/changing the affected character's image in the game outside of gallery images?


Yep! The two chars mentioned will have big changes to their sprite instead of just small edits. Only those two chars will get new sprites.  Looking at April/May.


It's a cute game! Really! I just wish it had a female protagonist option- no hate ofc 😅


I'm glad you find the game cute! Thank you! <3 And no worries, all good!


It's been a while since a vn really blew me away like this. So much care and attention to detail went into just about everything, and it shows! Absolutely amazing, it's so easy to quickly fall in love with the characters' personalities. I adored all the little effects, menu options, and just overall life the vn as a whole feels like it has <3 In fact, I can't say there's anything about this project that's not impressive. Looking forward to so much more!

I really appreciate it! This helps boost my energy and I need lots of that to continue. Many thanks!


I did damian(MC)-ace and zobbe(MC)-Daz. This rreally is a awesome VN.
Where can I follow the progress of the game?

I'm glad you like it! Thank you!
The progress will be posted here with an update of some sort every month where I explain what is new.

I'll also be updating on Twitter


This vn is so good, it brings comfort to my heart, characters are so lovely, I am glad its not game that focus on erotic, but more about connections between characters. My favorite is so far Jagger, and I trying to do every combination with him, and thank you for that amazing Jagger song - I am worth it - it so well composed


I'm glad you love the game and I'll pass along your compliment to Jagger's songwriter!
I am happy to have helped comfort your heart and that you enjoy the style.

When do I start dating

It technically depends on how "fast" a character moves, but you can expect to be dating in-game around February 18 to February 26.


Finished my very first run. Loved the interactions, and it's indeed a great vn first build.

If I may suggest few things, mostly in terms of quality of life.
1. At start of a run, a simple disclaimer of which path are at the moment the most advanced ones
2. I hope this is not too boresome, but would be lovely to have the emoji next to the name (corresponding to the fursona) everytime the name is mentioned. It got for me a little bit complicated, at the end, and during some choices, remember who was who, and putting some easy quick visual hints (like the emoji) would help tons.


Thanks, I'm glad you had fun!
Certainly, I can easily implement those two things, no prob!  Every little bit adds goodness.

Thank you so much. Looking forward tonight for the second run!

Seems there are some Android (phone specifically) unintended things with the text box sizes and how the font fits. As I didn't test on a phone (only tablet) I was unaware, but I'll be looking into this to see how it can be fixed!

Is their a precise compatibility list


Yeah!  Here it is, but note that these aren't coded yet, but will be possible in the future:

Possible spoilers:

ace x damian

ace x gideon

ace x jagger

ace x zobbe

ace x daz

ace x morton

ace x ???

damian x ace         different perspective

damian x gideon

damian x jagger

damian x zobbe

damian x morton

damian x brock

damian x ???

gideon x ace         different perspective

gideon x damian      different perspective

gideon x jagger

gideon x zobbe

jagger x ace         different perspective

jagger x damian      different perspective

jagger x gideon      different perspective

jagger x zobbe

jagger x brock

zobbe x ace          different perspective

zobbe x damian       different perspective

zobbe x gideon       different perspective

zobbe x jagger       different perspective

zobbe x daz

zobbe x morton

zobbe x brock

zobbe x ???


Thank you yall are really responsive


No truer words have ever been spoken~ 😏


This FVN is CRAAAZY original! 😲 And even the parts which are found in most VNs are done so differently than normal, and I absolutely lovit! 😁

Spectrum Of Hybrids is so refreshing, and not just because of how authentic it is, nor for the fun and original characters, but the entire VN is an experience in itself! ☺️

Exceptional, truly 😌 top dog marks across the board~ I cannot say enough good things about this project, xou guys have done an amaaazing job! 😋

I've only played as 1ne MC (Zobbe), and I connect with him so much!  Like, way too much 😐 I mean, the questionnaire even picked him out for me in the beginning 😂

I'd like to ask, how many datable characters are there? I got to the end of Gideon & Daz's route as Zobbe, and I'd like to play through with as many MC's without dating the same guy 2wice, so if xou could give me a number, that'd be highly appreciated 🙂 as I'd like to get all my saves in order and not have to double back if I think 1ne couple looks cuter together 😅


I'm so glad you love it! I indeed worked hard to be original and I'm glad it shows!

There are technically 9 datable chars, but one is not seen yet/revealed, and in addition to this there will be bonus content where you can temporarily play as a side character and date someone else (none of the above 9) but it's on rails.

There may possibly be a 10th (unrelated to bonus content) but depends on their reception.

The main chars can date each other, but things get more complex from there since only certain ones can date the tiger, croc, and bat. If you want a more precise list of compatibility at your spoiler risk, lmk and I'll share it with you!


Goodness me! 😲 Looks like I'm going to fill out many save files 😂

Thankx for the speedy response, and yes 🙂 I did see in those day-transition-scenes that some characters are semi exclusive, so I guess I'd rather keep the extra saves I have where routes split and decide from there 😌 but thankx for offering~!

And keep doing what xa'll are doing, because it's freaking awesome! 😁



Quick question, is it just my phone, or can anyone else not scroll down in the glossary details? 

Down the hybrid hole we go!

Glad you're excited!

I've only tested on Android tablet and admittedly was not aware this was phone-playable, but will look into it! Haven't heard of glossary issue, are you referring to the list of names or the details themselves? There is no scrolling that I've ever seen for the details on the right since I hard-coded it all to fit on screen without scrolling but I'll try to test this. I also noticed the text box on mobile is large and is best suited for bottom of screen but it blocks bellies, and also the options to change the box don't happen. : ( But we'll figure it out!


it's the details themselves! I don't much mind the textboxes being big  because I play with them on top (so they don't block the bellies hehe). I'm enjoying the game so far, so thank you so much for all your hard work!! Looking forward for more!


It's been so long since I've fallen this deeply in love with a VN. I can't get it out of my mind even when I sleep! I finished Zobbe's route recently and connected with him so deeply- He's just so cute and adorable ;-; I wish I could give him a hug...

I really am excited about future updates, especially with that little tease of what might happen in the future. Amazing work!


I'm so glad you're loving it! Thanks for the nice words. <3 I made Zobbe as cute as possible!


I am absolutely stoked to see SoH's first public release, it's been a long journey and what a beautiful game this has become!

Congratulations buddy!!

(2 edits) (+1)

Edited the bio to make it clear Patreon is up and ready to go!  For a limited time we have a giveaway for one free song!  This is available to everyone, even if you do not give a donation or join Patreon. (The post has been edited, yikes didn't know about the raffle thing on Patreon my bad!)

See here if you have questions:   


Congrats on your release, i have been watching your progress and as soon as it was online i had to try to really know if it would be the kind of thing that i would connect to. I got to the end of one of Ace´s Path and not only i had a great time because i feel very connected to Ace as a character and all the ups and downs he goes trough, the teasing for future content with those images was exactly what i wanted and will be looking foward as you build more and more of these great characters and world.

Also what Ace shared about his interests was so small, i had to force zoom to see what was being talked about but if its alternative stuff you want to add as well, im all up for it. Cheers


Oh yes I was just being silly, I didn't know if the way the bordering around the letters made it impossible enough. Wasn't sure if I should have made it super obvious or if it would affect anyone (or what I'm doing, honestly) definitely will add it in strories though!

I'm so glad you loved the current state of Ace's route! I worked hard on it and I relate to him a lot, so more than half the things you see of him happened to me irl. I'm glad you're excited for more!! Thank you so much.


I have been waiting so long for this game

I'm glad you get to play it and congrats!

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